Video: 120 Gallon Saltwater Fish Aquarium with Artificial Corals
120-gallon saltwater fish aquarium with artificial corals by Instant Reef®. Artificial coral reef aquarium decorations are often used in public aquariums and large commercial salt water fish-only tanks. Instant Reef® makes the artificial corals for home hobbyists as well. Available for both marine fish and freshwater tanks, Instant Reef® is realistic looking, packed with gorgeous life-like corals.
With fake coral reef tank decors, both saltwater fish-only tanks and African cichlid freshwater fish aquariums are easy to set up, clean and maintain, without the worries of special equipment or Intense Lighting, special coral feeding techniques, or marine water supplements!
With fake coral reef tank decors, both saltwater fish-only tanks and African cichlid freshwater fish aquariums are easy to set up, clean and maintain, without the worries of special equipment or Intense Lighting, special coral feeding techniques, or marine water supplements!
There are no restrictions for “Reef Safe” fish, enjoy ALL the marine and freshwater fish you like, Including: Large Angelfish, Butterfly Fish, Triggers, Lionfish, Tangs or Surgeon Fish, Wrasses, Foxface Rabbit fish, African Cichlids, even Sharks!
Instant Reef® aquarium decorations are hand-made artworks by experienced artists, the artificial coral inserts are replicas of live corals collected worldwide, making their appearance nicer, realistic, and brighter in color.
Made of high quality resin, Instant Reef® does not have plastic or rubber parts; the non-toxic material does not change water chemistry and is safe to all marine fish and Invertebrates, including seahorses, sea anemones, crabs, starfish, hermit crabs and snails.
Artificial coral reef tank decors provide many caves, swim-through holes and hiding places, fish can easily build their territories, making them feel safe. Even some of the most delicate fish like the Regal Angelfish enjoys its new home.
Fake corals do not require intense aquarium lighting. This 120-gallon marine fish tank only uses two 36 in. T-5 lights, 2 bulbs in each light, LESS than 80 watts in total! No excess heat, no high electricity bills!
Instant Reef® has flexible corals. *Please note that not all of the fake corals are flexible.
In this particular salt water fish aquarium which is a 120 Gallon tank 6 feet in length, had approximately 100 lbs. of live rock; as you can see the tank appeared empty, and the fish had little hiding spaces.
Upgrading this saltwater fish aquarium was easy.
First, clean the new artificial coral reefs thoroughly to remove all packing materials. It is recommended to soak aquarium ornaments in freshwater 24 hours before installing.
Upgrading this saltwater fish aquarium was easy.
First, clean the new artificial coral reefs thoroughly to remove all packing materials. It is recommended to soak aquarium ornaments in freshwater 24 hours before installing.
Next, carefully place the artificial coral reefs into the tank.
Feel free to leave existing live rocks in the tank and utilize them with the artificial coral reef aquarium decorations, doing this provides more caves for your fish to enjoy!
Feel free to leave existing live rocks in the tank and utilize them with the artificial coral reef aquarium decorations, doing this provides more caves for your fish to enjoy!
Instant Reef® also have porous and rough surfaces for beneficial bacteria to grow on; with time it becomes artificial live rocks providing biological filtration.
The finished results of artificial coral reef aquarium provide the realistic look of a natural coral reef tanks. With Instant Reef®, you get the "Reef Aquarium" Enjoyment at "Saltwater Fish Only Tank" costs!
Instant Reef®, The World’s finest artificial corals at unbeatable prices!
Realistic Looking, Easy to set up and maintain, no restrictions for “Reef Safe” fish, and most importantly reducing live corals and live rocks being removed from the oceans.
Happy Fish Keeping!