Design Colorful Custom Aquariums, Freshwater Fake Coral Reef Tanks
Design Colorful Custom Aquariums, Freshwater Fake Coral Reef Tanks have never been easier!

Most Realistic Looking Artificial Corals, Reef Aquarium Decorations on the market. Instant Reef® is packed with gorgeous life-like coral inserts.

Get “Reef Aquarium” enjoyment at “Freshwater Fish Tank” costs. No special equipment or intense lighting is required.

Artificial fake corals are easy to set up, clean and maintain. Without worrying about delicate corals.

Made of High Quality Resin. Colors are all the way through to prevent fading. Non-Toxic Material is safe to all marine fish and invertebrates.

Many Caves and Hideouts for fish to swim through. Porous and Rough surface for beneficial bacteria to grow on. With time, fake corals become Artificial Live Rocks to provide biological filtration.

Happy fish keeping! with Instant Reef!